dilluns, 30 de maig del 2011

My favourite restaurant

My favourite restaurant is “Tepanyaki” is a restaurant that cooks Japanese food. It is in America in the city of New York.

The building left me speechless the first time I saw it because is a big building with red letters on the entrance and it’s beautiful.

But what really calls my attention is the black furniture, the black and white crockery, the Japanese decoration and the cooks.

Not only you can eat here, but also you can amuse with the cooks because they baskets food into people’s mouth and he plays with cuttery, with eggs, volcanos, fish …

From my point of view this is the best Japanese restaurant in America.

I strongly recommend visiting and trying the marvellous food of this restaurant and you can invite your friends and family to enjoy it.

Ernest Ferrer Clotet

dilluns, 25 d’abril del 2011

Blind dates

Nowadays a lot of people meet people with blind dates. Blind dates are websites that are used to meet new friends, find your love and other things. The people who use these websites are normally, young people.

On the one hand blind dates are good to meet new people and it’s quicker and easier to find a person and there isn’t any compromise.

On the other hand blind dates are dangerous because you have never seen the person before and maybe you can meet a boring person.

In conclusion I think that blind dates aren’t safe and they are dangerous. I don’t use these websites because I think that they are a swindle!

Ernest Ferrer Clotet 4rt A

diumenge, 20 de febrer del 2011

A robbery in Berga

Yesterday, a group of Arabic thieves stole a bank van. The bank van was on Major’s street, where it was supposed to bring money to “La Caixa”. When the bank van stopped a group of thieves who wore guns and bazookas, killed the two police that were in the van and they stole all the money of the van. Next, they used a car to go away from the police, but the police caught the thieves and brought them to the prison. They confessed that they stole money because they didn’t have any and they would like to own a house, a car, etc.

Ernest Ferrer Clotet

dimarts, 25 de gener del 2011

Writing an acrostic poem

Put six words

On each paper

Easy if you

Make it rhyme

Ernest Ferrer Clotet



Do you think war is a funny thing?

Then you should watch Zack Snyder’s bloody film. 300

The film is about a war between Sparta and Persia. The kings that fight are Leonidas (played by Gerard Butler) and Jerjes (played by Rodrigo Santoro). One day the Spartan army went to Persia and were attacked by a million of Persian people. The Spartans were only 300 warriors and they resisted the Persians for three days at Thermopylae. The Greeks resisted the attack of wizards, the elephants attack and the attack of the best army in Persia, they are called “Immortals”. At the end the Spartans can’t resist the Persian army and the Greeks dead but there are a new battle is coming.

300 is the best action film I ever see. It has got a great plot and wonderful actors. I really enjoyed it, and I think everyone should see it – whether or not they like the battles!

Ernest Ferrer Clotet